Entrusting the Word of Grace

Entrusting the
Word of Grace
to Faithful Men

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Empowering the Word of Grace (EWG) International is a non-profit organization… (please complete)

With over 25 years of Precept Bible training experience, Stephen and Grace are actively involved in international outreaches and translation of Precept materials. Stephen & Grace were introduced to Precept in June 1991 when they were studying in Chattanooga, TN. They became Precept students, then Precept leaders and eventually Precept trainers when they left Chattanooga in Sept 1999. They returned to Singapore in September 1999, and Stephen became the National Director for Precept Singapore from June 2002 until 2012 and PacRim Regional Director from 2009 until 2017. Since 2000, Stephen & Grace has been traveling around Asia to conduct training for students and leaders in the Precept method of Bible Study, raising up students and Bible Study leaders in the various countries.

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We have helped to set up Precept offices in Hong Kong and Malaysia. We are working with the contacts in Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Perth, Australia, Vietnam and the Precept offices in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore.

We are also involved in the translation of the Precept materials into Chinese, Malay, Indonesian, Japanese, Vietnamese, Hmong, Khmer and Iban.

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“The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

2 Timothy 2:2